
Friday, January 11, 2013

Dearest Blog?...Why, Thank You!

I've been slacking when it comes to mentioning the blog awards that we have recently received.  So, I have some thank you's to dole out to the following bloggers:

1.   Thank you Pawsitively Pets for nominating us for the Liebster Blog award!

2.  Thank you And Foster Makes Five for nominating us for the Very Inspiring Blogger award!

3.  Thank you Adventures of a Dog Mom for nominating us for the Super Sweet Blogging and Kreativ Blogger awards!

Bestowing the Liebster Blog award upon others:

"Liebster means Dearest in German, so the Liebster Blog Award is the Dearest Blog Award. It’s an award intended to recognize worthy, lesser known blogs and to help expose their work. Of course, accepting The Liebster Award comes with a few rules!"

Liebster Blog Award Rules:

I've noticed that this award seems to be pretty well known around the blogosphere, but the rules of the award seem to vary based on who it's received from.  So, I would like to change up the rules a bit from the ones that were bestowed upon me as follows:
  1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
  2. Share eleven five things about yourself
  3. Answer eleven five questions presented by Pawsitively Pets
  4. Ask eleven five new questions to your nominated bloggers
  5. Reveal your top eleven five picks {with less than 200 readers} and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
  6. Copy and paste the award on your blog
  7. Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers and keep it going!

Five Things About Myself:

  1. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese
  2. I am a licensed elementary school teacher
  3. I was on my high school's girl's golf team
  4. I have an obsession with all things Vera Bradley
  5. My drink at Starbucks is an iced grande non-fat caramel macchiato
Me, my Vera, and my favorite girl Thean!

Five Questions Asked by Pawsitively Pets

  1. Why did you start blogging?: I wanted a way to document Athena's successes and challenges and better connect with fellow dog owners and bloggers.
  2. Would you rather eat a bug or sky dive?  Sky dive, hands down.  I'm not a bug person.
  3. How often do you cut your hair?  Usually every 3-4 months.
  4. What's your favorite board game?  I LOVE board games.  My current obsession is Blokus, but I also love a good game of Clue and Sorry.
  5. How did you think of your blog title?  I toyed around with quite a few names for the blog, but kept coming back to Pitlandia because we do live in Portland a.k.a. Portladia, you know =)  P.S. Did you know that I was an extra in the current season of the show Portlandia?  Yep, it's true.  See if you can spot my two seconds of fame in episode three of season three.
Excuse the big ole' play symbol in the middle from my screenshot =)

Five Questions for my Nominees:

  1. What's a book (training, behavior, fiction, etc.) that you would most recommend to a new dog owner?
  2. What's your favorite command or trick that you've taught your dog?
  3. What's one goal that you have for your dog in 2013?
  4. Where's your favorite place that you've traveled to?
  5. Do you prefer coffee or tea?

My Liebster Blog Award Nominees:

Below are five up and coming blogs that are each new to the blogging community as of 2012.  I always look forward to seeing new posts by all of these bloggers and I think that you will too if you haven't yet started following them.

  • onebluedog- Remy is a rockstar staffordshire terrier who recently earned his Canine Good Citizen title with the help of his mom, dad, and kitties.  He's not only the star of this blog, but he's the writer too!
  • A Peace-a-Bull Assembly- Oh boy do I love Ray and his mom, Debra!  Even though Ray has still got his puppy antics going on, he's still such a lovable pittie who loves his kitties!
  • My Two Pitties- Norman and Kaya are two lucky rescue pit-mixes who spend their days hanging out in beautiful Cal-i-forn-i-a!
  • And Foster Makes Five- Up and coming should be this blog's middle name!  Stephanie is a beautiful writer who shares her successes and struggles with first-time fostering.
  • Pocket Pittie in the City-  This blog is the newest addition to my feed, but has definitely caught my attention.  Their first dog, Maggie, is a pocket pittie mix who I'm determined is Athena's soul sister.  Nigel is their second adopted dog who just joined the family this week!

Thanks again to Pawsitively Pets for nominating us for the Liebster Blog award!  If you haven't already, make sure to check the blogs I've nominated.  I promise you won't be disappointed!


  1. Woo! Thanks:D I'm looking forward to answering those questions:) I just started watching's super funny! I'll have keep an eye out for you when I get to season 3:D

  2. I love that you made the cut for that Portlandia sketch! I'll have to go find it on IFC! :) Congrats on all the blog love are moving on up in the world, ladyface!

  3. Congrats on the awards! And that is way cool about Portlandia!

  4. I didn't know what Liebster meant so thanks for informing me! Also, I wish I would have gone with the 5 questions rule myself LOL... 11 was a lot! Congrats to those blogs who you passed it on to, I know most of them.

  5. Yay! I love hearing about new blogs. Also: I love Portlandia. :)

  6. Congratulations on all these cool awards! And thank you for sharing the Liebster with me! Also, mom wanted me to tell you that macaroni & cheese is her favorite too and that she thinks it is pretty cool that you were on Portlandia :)
