
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Doggy Links

Happy National Dog Day!  Here are a few of our favorite discovered posts of the week:
A random pic of Athena and B to go along with these random links of the week!
How To Get Your Dog To Sleep In His Own Bed (Oh My Dog!) A great post about training your dog to sleep in their own bed throughout the night.  Bed size, placement, comfort, and training are discussed.  We found this post to be very helpful as we train Athena to love her own bed and not want to try sneaking into ours each night!

Nosework (The Second Hand Dogs) As we have been thinking about the great benefits of starting agility with Athena in the coming months, this post has us also thinking about the benefits of nosework.  The shelter that we adopted Athena from offers a nosework class and we have wondered if honing in on this skill would boost Athena's confidence.  This blog posts talks about the great benefits of nosework in comparison to agility training.

When Grandma Doesn't Know Best (StubbyDog) There are many people out there that have misconceptions about pitbull type breeds.  This blog post on StubbyDog talks about a grandma's fear of her granddaughter's pitbull-- something that A can totally relate with as she works to change her own grandma's misconceptions about Athena.

Caution: Too Much Of A Good Thing? (Wilde About Dogs) A blog post about being cautious when introducing your dog to unknown dogs at dog parks or when out on a walk and how caution can often be more harmful to our dogs than we may think.  We are totally rethinking our caution with Athena as we have been VERY cautious about letting her meet dogs while we are out and about because of her shelter label of "dog aggressive."

The Gift Of Learning To Relax (Two Pitties in the City) A very inspiring story of a Chicago Sociabull's participant Honor and her human and how they have been working on learning to relax.  This story reminds us all too much of Athena's leash reactivity (although hers is much more mild than Honor's) and has given us hope that with patience and practice, Athena will someday be able to relax too!

-A & B


  1. So many good links that I hadn't seen! And wasn't Honor's story so good???Her mom is so inspiring and we're very lucky to have them in our group.

    1. Yes, I just loved reading Honor's story! Thank you so much for sharing it on your blog! I always look forward to reading about all of the pooches in the Sociabulls group!

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  7. نقل الأثاث بأحدث الوسائل مع التغليف الشامل للحفاظ على الاثاث بدون خدوش - سيارات مغلقة - نجاريين للفك والتركيب - عمالة محترفة - تغليف شامل... نقل اثاث بالجبيل
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