
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Love It: Loofa Dental Chew

Athena loves to chew, chew, chew.  Whether it be on her Nylabone, antler, Kong, or a bully stick, this girl loves a good chew session.  So when we recently discovered these Hip Doggie Loofa Dental Chews we were pretty excited for Athena to test one out.

Unlike any chew toy I've seen, this loofa is made of 100% vegetable loofa plant and can be safely ingested by dogs.  Athena is drawn to its meaty flavor and chewability.  Seeing as she spends most of her time "picking," this is a perfect chew toy for her.  The edges of the starfish allow for some major picking action.  As Athena picks and chews, the natural loofa works to floss and keep her teeth clean.

Athena finds this dental chew to be a great treat (we don't leave it out all of the time-- it only comes out for special occasions).  So far it is in pretty good shape (she's had it since Christmas) with the edges of the starfish being the only parts to show wear.  Athena isn't much of a toy eater, meaning that she will tear apart chews and stuffies, but she won't ingest anything during her rampages.  So, even though this loofa is fully digestible, Athena hasn't eaten any of it.

The only downside to this chew toy is that it can get a bit messy when the little bits of shredded loofa start falling off.  But it's nothing that a quick vacuum can't fix.  It's also a toy that I know won't last forever and might not stand a chance up against a "power chewer."

At around $10 on Amazon, these dental chews are a great alternative to the usual nylabones, antlers, and bully sticks that Athena is accustomed to gnawing on.  Once she's finished with this starfish, we might just have to get her a loofa ball and bone!

What are your dog's favorite chew toys?


  1. Thanks for sharing this! My dogs would love this and I like that it can be safely ingested. I can't wait to try it out.

  2. Ray loves his bully sticks, kongs for food, antlers, nylabone and stuffies. Unfortunately, he will eat a little stuffy stuffing so I have to be careful. He also eats strings, if given the opportunity.

    Yesterday his favorite "chew toy" was the trim in my kitchen. :-(

  3. What does it feel like? At first it looked like a stuffy, but I'm sure not if it can be ingested. Our pups aren't really chewers, but we've been trying to do more to keep their teeth healthy so we've been looking for some more interesting chew products.

  4. Looks like an interesting toy. I might have to try one out for Koira if I get a chance.

  5. Nylabones and raw turkey necks have been our dental hygiene chew resources so far.
    This is interesting! Could my kids have it allergy-wise? (I ask you realizing you don't know their alleriges. I will have to look at these, I bet they'd really like it--I also bet they'd actually eat it. :)

  6. I've never seen this before, I wonder how Dottie would do with it because she's one of those dogs that likes to shred and eat her toys.

  7. I am intrigued! Definitely going to pick this up - because Rufus tooooootally needs more crap, haha.

  8. We might give these a try, but we'll be keeping an eye on Badger to make sure he doesn't eat it all at once.

  9. Great concept and definitely going on the dogs' Amazon wish list - so we'll see if it holds up to power chewers! Gambit an ingesting shredder and power chewer, so digestible would be great.

  10. Hey! That little starfish chewy looks really cool! Right up my alley :) This is why I keep telling mom I really need my own credit card!

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