
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pitlandia in Portlandia: Rose City Classic

Over the weekend, B and I attended the Rose City Classic dog show held at the Portland Expo Center. It was actually the first dog show that I've ever attended (unless you count every year that I sit in front of the TV on Thanksgiving morning watching the National Dog Show...)

Doggies, Doggies, Everywhere!

This may be hard to believe, but our day at the dog show did not revolve around Miss Athena.  Nope.  She stayed at home with her babysitter (A.K.A. grandma).  So, B and I spent our time at the show admiring other pups besides our own. (Check out My Life with Flyball Dogs for some more awesome pictures from the show!)

Check out the Staffie's purple toenails!

Dreaming of Agility

My favorite aspect of the Rose City Classic was the ongoing agility runs.  We sat and watched dogs of all levels showcase their skills, and I was left daydreaming about Athena's future as an agility dog.

Maybe someday Athena will jump like that?


It wouldn't be a proper event if there wasn't shopping involved (at least that's how I feel!).  There were tons of vendors on site offering grooming supplies, food samples, toys, supplements, apparel, and accessories.  You name it-- there was a vendor for it (even really fancy doggy dental the kind a dentist would use).  We decided to document any items that we felt deserved a spot on Athena's wish list with a picture.

Athena needs this, right?

Not only were there tons of things to purchase, but we received loads of freebies.  To be honest the only reason I attend events like these are to stock up on the free stuff!  Don't judge.


I also couldn't help but buy a few "presents" to bring back for Athena.  We got sucked into buying a $2.00 bag of FirstMate dog food, which we may actually consider purchasing in the future if Athena likes it.  Athena was also spoiled with a new antler, this time moose (she's loving it WAY more than her elk antler), and a couple of bully sticks.

The highlight of the trip for me was finding two Kong Cleaning Brushes in a sale bin at one of the vendor's booths for only $2.00 each!  So far I've used the brush three times and it is seriously a miracle worker.  I no longer have to stick my finger in the Kong to scrape out the leftover peanut butter!  MIRACLE!

Overall Experience

I really enjoyed the dog show, but if I were to go again, I would try to attend earlier in the weekend.  We went on Sunday, so everything was wrapping up and it didn't seem like we got the whole experience.  I also didn't necessarily like all of the crates of dogs stacked up on each other all over the place.  I know I don't know much about the dog show business, but I just felt bad for all of the dogs who were left barking and whining in their crates all day long.  But besides that, it was fun watching the judging and agility, getting freebies, and shopping around!

Have you ever attended a dog show?  What were your thoughts on the experience?


  1. Glad you had fun at the show. I did hear it was much smaller this year than it has been in years past. I didn't think it was any bigger than the Albany shows I've been to before, so it may not just have been that you went on a Sunday.

  2. I haven't attended a dog show in years (Ok, decades) but would love to go again one of these days. I like to go to places like that for the samples as well because it's hard to justify buying some of those things just to have them go to waste. However, I think you definitely should get the jolly ball. Ray is obsessed with his, but the one he plays with has a rope going though the middle. I want to get one like you have pictured because I think it might last longer.

    1. I really want to get Athena the Jolly Ball because she plays with them at daycare and LOVES them!

  3. OMG, I HAVE to have one of those brushes. That could be life changing. I am google-ing it as we speak!

    1. Oh yes, it's amazzzziiinnnggg!! You can get them on amazon =)

  4. BAHH! I need a Kong brush cleaner! I've never seen that.
    Madden is technically our Kong cleaner, she can get any smidge or smear of anything out but an actual brush would be awesome.
    I LOVE free samples and OH MY GOODNESS is that just the cutest staffie!!!!

    1. You DO need a Kong brush cleaner!! Athena is never good at getting the stuff that's stuck at the verrrryyy tip, so I always have to stick my finger or a knife in there to scrape it out, but even then it doesn't all unstick. The dishwasher also works, but not if there's sticky stuff still left inside. I was able to get EVERY track of gunk out with the brush!

  5. This sounds like a wonderful day!!! I just want to hug all those dogs! And I agree, the Kong brush is now a must have!

  6. It's not all about getting free stuff? I am headed to my frist dog show this weekend and I'm excited! Of course, Tess & Ed won't be invited either - not category for mutts! Athena was the spoiled girl over the weekend, I see. The way it should be!!

  7. What a cool day... loves those purple nails! I've been a to a show or two when they are in Wichita, my favorite part is watching the herding demos and of course the shopping!

  8. Looks like fun! I agree about the dogs in crates...must be stressful for them! I wonder why Athena likes the moose antler better than elk. I'll have to get some because I think all mine right now are elk and they are mostly ignored.

  9. Great post! I bet Athena would be wonderful at agility! Before Zoe's injury, we had taken a few classes and she LOVEDDDD them! (And the injury had nothing to do with the classes!). :)

  10. Great Pics! It was a great show!

