
Friday, March 1, 2013

How Do You Like Your Waters?: As Told by Athena

It was a long, long time ago that my mom wrote about us needing a new water drinking system for on-the-go activities such as trips to the park and long walks.  Because my mom was sick of using the leaky plastic water bottle/bowl from Petsmart, she went on the hunt for a better drinking system for my thirsty self.

This is me trying to drink out of the bowl and bottle at the same time!

Well, I've been testing it for quite some time now, and I'm truly in love with my H2O4K9 Stainless Steel Dog Bottle & Bowl.  Mine is from one of our favorite Portland pet stores, Green Dog Pet Supply, but you can also buy yourself one on the internets here.

This is me just drinking out of the bowl (which is the water bottle's lid)

Whenever I'm done with a long game of ChuckIt ball chasing and launcher grabbing, I am most definitely ready for a big drink of water once we get back to my park taxi (my parents call it the "car"). I wait most patiently next to the car while my mom or dad pours my water into the bowl that attaches to the water bottle.  Actually, the cool thing about my fancy water bottle is that the plastic bowl IS the bottle's lid!

This is me being a frog at the park!

Not only can I slurp my waters from my personal bowl, but my mom and dad can also drink out of the bottle if they get parched after a game of "Throw Thean Her ChuckIt Ball" without too much of my slobberies getting into their waters.  My mom says that the humans might also be interested in knowing that the water bottle is 100% BPA-free and made from recycled materials.

Photo via (where you can also buy one!)

I'm very curious as to how my friends like their waters while they are out on the town?  Do you like waters from a human water bottle, a doggy water bottle, a collapsible bowl, or from some other fanciful contraption?  I am thinking next on my wish list might be a collapsible bowl....or, maybe


  1. Both my pups know how to drink out of a water bottle, and are pretty good about it. I normally carry silicone bowls in the car as well, if they need a bigger drink.

    1. Athena is a very messy human water bottle drinker! I like the idea of carrying silicone bowls!

  2. I'll drink the water out of just about anywhere! Except, I won't drink it out of Uncle Harley Pug's water bowl. Wanna know why? Because when I first met Uncle Harley Pug, he lifted his leg on his water bowl to tell me to scram away from it. And I did, and 3 years later I still won't go near his water bowl! Good thing we have lots of easy travel ones, but the momma does like your easy carrying watering device!

  3. We have a gulp cup(?) that has a bowl attached to the bottle too! Love it! Yours looks pretty cool also, Thean!

  4. We have what Boomer and Dottie know as "Gulpy" it's a plastic bottle with a lid that flips down into a bowl and even has a clip for your belt. Unfortunately it's been dropped a few times and we are in need of a new one... maybe you found our new "Gulpy" for us!

    1. Definitely a collapsible bowl fan. Bodhi works up a large thirst with chuck-it and a little water bottle is rarely enough. We take a couple of large used sports drink bottles full of water for him and one for Mom and Dad. The bowl gets a little sloppy but cleans up well and drips dry. Big plus, we don't have to hold it!

  5. The only thing Melvin will drink out of (other than a bowl) is a Red Solo cup. He's apparently always pledging a fraternity.

  6. We got a Gulpy when we needed a bottle in a pinch after leaving our travel bottle/bowl on top of the car during a road trip stop. The old one was great and had a plastic cover to pull open to let the water pour into the bowl, and we could tilt the water back into the bottle when the dog was done drinking. We bring a canvas bowl and 2L bottle of water to the beach but have a hard time convincing the dogs to drink that and not lake water, unfortunately.

  7. It's so great to meet another Portlandian (and Ducks fan--our son is an alumnus) and one that also goes to Green Dog! That's our favorite too. I haven't tried that water bottle, but it looks like a find. I'll have to check it out next time we're there.

  8. That is a pretty cool looking water bottle Athena! I like it.

  9. Hank when out in the woods (or park) will drink from a water bottle, I found that ones with the lids that you can pull up work best because I can just squirt it. In the car, Hank will drink from a cup. I really should get the boy a collapsible bowl but the cup that the water comes in from the fast food place works so well, until he eats it.

  10. I really like that water bottle! I might have to use my coupon to get one for Ray. Currently he uses a collapsable water bowl which handily fits in my on the go bag. The advantage is the size and weight and if I know I'm going somewhere that has a water fountain, I don't have to carry water.

  11. I have the exact same bottle, Athena! Except mine is blue :) I just love it too! I get so excited whenever mom or dad start to take the top/bowl off, which is funny because I usually don't drink much.

  12. That is a really great bottle. We always take a bowl of some sort. I find that the collapsible ones are too small and therefore tend to use a plastic one. Years ago, I got creative and drilled a hole in the edge of a bowl and attached a carabiner to clip it to my pack. Still using it!

  13. When we go on walks at the park, I usually just carry one of my bottles and give them water from there. Carlos pours it down and they drink it - they don't touch the bottle. If the walk is not too long, I give them water when we get to the car in a little bowl I carry in the back of the Jeep.

    This bottle looks pretty cool and handy. I might just need to get one :)

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