
Monday, February 11, 2013

An Athena Filled Weekend

This weekend was biiiiiizzzzzyyy and filled with tons of Athena related activities.  Here's a little recap of the weekend's happenings:

1.  We went on a mini-shopping spree for Athena:

If you follow us on Facebook then you already saw that Athena got a new harness over the weekend.  After not having much luck with the Holt Head Harness, we've moved on to the ever so popular Freedom No-Pull Harness.  So far Athena hasn't come home with any bloody armpits (even after her pulling and snorting race that you will read about in #4 of this post), so I'd say that things are working out fairly well with the new harness.

I was also excited to pick up a container of The Honest Kitchen's Easy Peesy Tea which I've been wanting Athena to try for a while now.  It's an herbal tea for dogs to support urinary tract health (they also make a tea for joint function and one for alleviating anxiety).
Photo via The Honest Kitchen

2.  I went to Born Again Pit Bull Rescue's Celebration du Chien Dinner and Silent Auction:

My mom and I attended a dinner and fundraiser put on for Born Again Pit Bull Rescue (they were our January Bow of the Month featured rescue) by Sellwood Dog Supply and Lili Patisserie.  Not only did we eat some delicious food and talk to lots of pittie lovers, but we also got some loot from the amazing silent auction that was held!

Photo via Born Again Pit Bull Rescue

My mom won a basket full of tea and coffee goodies as well as gift certificates for three dozen doughnuts from Voodoo Doughnuts (and yes, we did already get two dozen of them....don't judge).  I won Athena a little basket filled with two packages of STAM grain-free dog treats and a collar from The Collar Shop.

Thean's new pink mustache collar

3.  The weather was nice, so we did some of this...

Fun at the park!

Oh, and lots of this happened too...

4.  We attended the Portland Pit Bull Parade's February Bully Walk:

This weekend also marked the third anniversary of bully walks held by the Portland Pit Bull Parade.  Over one hundred dogs were in attendance and many dressed up in Valentine's themed costumes.  Athena of course thought that the event was specially held for her pulling and snorting purposes, but other than that, it was great to be among so many pit bull supporters and to enter the costume contest!

Photo via the Portland Pit Bull Parade

Costume contest!

Posing with our costume contest prize-- a pittie valentine!

5.  Flyball practice was super good:

Last week's Flyball practice was great, and this week was no different.  Athena was off leash more than she's ever been at a practice (even with other dogs out and about) and was very focused on us and her new tug toy that I made.  She's so interested in her tug as a reward that we are no longer treating her with food for anything at practice.  Oh, and Athena is also going on a diet starting today to help shed some of her winter flab to prevent any injuries....and because she's been eating too many treats lately ;)

How was your weekend?  Did you do anything special with your dog?


  1. Sounds like a fun-filled weekend! :) Athena looks adorable in her new mustache collar! :)

  2. Wow! So many activities! She is one lucky girl. Pyrrha has the exact same Freedom Harness, in the exact shade; we love it! It's a really wonderful, versatile, and well-made harness.

  3. That is one busy weekend! I am digging that mustach collar. She looks gorgeous in her Valentine gear - does she have a Valentine yet? Will she be mine??

    Also, what sort of UT ailment are you using the tea for? Tess would be interested to know.

    No big events on Tess & Ed's calendars this weekend, just a couple nice walks and LOTS of snuggle time (gotta make up for those long weekdays!)

    1. Athena doesn't have any specific UT ailments, I just want to prevent any from occurring =) And yes, she agreed to be your Valentine!

  4. You are seriously AWESOME dog parents! I'm am going to try and channel you!!!

  5. Sounds like a ton of fun activities! I love Athena's outfit and mustache collar! So cute!

  6. Sounds like a really fun and really busy weekend. I can't wait to see you and Athena at some flyball tournaments! (Or you guys could just come down and practice with our team some time too!)

  7. I'd say you were pretty busy this weekend, but I doubt Athena minded all the attention. By the way the moustache collar is too cute!

  8. I like that collar quite a bit! The ball pictures are always cute and I'm excited to hear about her progress with flyball.
    You know Braylon loves to go "tea crazy," so we actually purchased the tea ourselves! Believe it or not they are less than enthused. Hades will drink his up and Braylon will too, but you can see their faces like "Umm... okay mom..." and this is coming from dogs who get excited over carrots, coconut oil, cucumbers, green bean, broccoli and well... anything? I probably wouldn't buy it again just because I have yet to see it be very beneficial even though I was totally excited about it. Madden won't touch it. We actually boguth a different flavor though, you'll have to tell me how she likes hers!

  9. Athena looks awesome in pink. I love the actions shots at the park...reminds me of another brindle pittie I know;) And Athena looks so sweet when she's tired. Honest Kitchen dog food looks really interesting, I'd like to try it sometime. We had a busy weekend too. We went swimming and to the park a couple time. I finally got Norman to play fetch like a normal in bring it back in a strait line...not ditching the ball in the grass or some sort of drunken meandering around a field to get back to me. I also found a bacon flavored salmon treat that is finally getting him motivated to get in the car. It's the little things!

  10. Wow, you guys had a spectacular weekend! Athena looks very beautiful in her new harness, especially with her tutu on! But my favorite part is her pink mustache collar =)
